Anonymous Hurting Pastor

pastor pain

I have a twitter account and I follow a lot of Anonymous pastor/preacher satire tweeters.  What I am noticing is that some of  them are real pastors who are going through a lot. They are men who are being hurt in the one place that should be a safe haven and by the people who should be peace makers.

Being a Pastor and can be a very lonely profession when one is heartbroken and hurting. A lot of pastors have no one in whom they can place their confidence. They have no friends in the church, they love and minister to the people,  but they just don’t have those close friendships because they don’t want to be hurt. They don’t confide in other pastors because they don’t want to be seen as week or failing at being a pastor.

You may say that is what his wife is for, to be the help and support for her husband during the hard times, but many pastors leave their wives in the dark about their pain. They do so to protect their wives because they don’t what her to become a victim or to have hard feelings toward members of the church.

So what do they do?

Well some bottle it up inside and try to hide the pain.

Others sit down on a Monday morning and update their resume

And then their are those who take  to the internet and social media to vent and share their hurts  in an anonymous, and many times a funny way.

If your are a member of a church I want to encourage you to pray for your pastor and try to be a friend to him and his family. Now this may take sometime. There are pastors out there that have been hurt very badly and are leery of opening themselves up. They still need to know that you care and that you are not their enemy.

Romans 12:10-13

English Standard Version (ESV)

10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. 11 Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. 13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.