The Day After 9-12-2012

ImageToday is the day after 9-11-2012. Yesterday was the eleventh anniversary of  the Terrorist Attacks upon American soil as two planes hit the Twin Towers of the Word Trade Center, one plane hit the Pentagon, and one plane was brought down by some very brave passengers in a Pennsylvania field. That day was a very terrifying day. Thousands of lives were lost and Millions of lives were effected by the attack. It took years before things seemed to get back to some sort of normal.

Yesterday Some Americans paused their lives for just a moments to remember where they were when the attacks happened. To remember and honor the lives lost to such terror. Some stopped and thanked their local firefighters and police officers for their service.

Yesterday you couldn’t turn on the TV without some sort of tribute to 9/11 but that was yesterday. Today there is no fanfare. Today there are no tributes, no prayers, no tears. America is back to normal and living as if yesterday never happened.


Over 2000 years ago God the Son went to the Cross and took upon Him our sin and judgment and Died on the Cross. He was buried in a borrowed tomb and was resurrected on the third day victorious over sin and death. When we repent of our sins and place our faith in the Lord Jesus, His righteousness is placed upon us as our sins were placed upon Him. WOW!

There are so many who call themselves “Christian” who are living as if that day had never happened.